Who are we as women-at heart, at essence? Society prescribes how women should be. This is both an exhilarating and challenging time to be a woman. It's exhilarating because women everywhere are awakening to our self-worth and inner power. It's challenging because so many of us are still imprisoned in outdated beliefs and practices that steal our joy and limit our contribution to life.
Personally, I want more for my life-more
balance and sanity, more health, freedom and laughter. What do you yearn for? Whatever it is, I want to help you find it! Please join me in exploring who we are as women-at heart. Let`s build our wealth by sharing our stories! As women, we heal and empower ourselves through sharing our stories. We heal when we feel free to speak our truth. And when we hear the words of other women, we open to new dimensions of ourselves. I have experienced my greatest awakenings in the company of women. In their warm and caring embrace, I have found acceptance and respect. No matter how I am on any given day, I am welcomed and loved. And through such open-hearted acceptance, I have found strength and inspiration inside of me! It takes courage and
perseverance to live a conscious life. Venturing
into new frontiers becomes much less frightening, much more possible when others
are there with us and for us. And in these rapidly changing times when we often
find ourselves groundless, connections with others become a crucial lifeline.
Please join this circle-to share, to support and be supported, to celebrate, to probe, discover and uncover new realities for sane, healthy living. Let's create new choices for how we live as individuals and care for those we love. Let's bring our authentic natures to life! Together, we can do this if we:
How can you join the women at heart circle? It's easy! Step #1: Sign up for our free 'word of heart' inspirations. These little gems, delivered to your inbox every 3 days, spark awareness of our common bonds, our strengths, our challenges and our potential.
Step #2: Bookmark this site and explore at your leisure. Enjoy the stories, articles and empowerment tools offered here. Step #3: Share your empowerment story with me! What have you learned that has made a positive difference in your life? Send your empowerment story as an attachment in Email to Patrice Robsoon. Under 1500 words would be appreciated! We hold the energy of healing Having worked over the Internet for 5 years, I'm convinced that the energy that brings healing in face-to-face circles works equally well over much greater distances. I'm confident that as the size of the brazilian girls circle builds, so too will the energy that will spur our personal and collective growth and deepen our consciousness. My greatest dream is to build an online global circle of women who are committed to living more consciously. My many circles of dear friends are supporting me in this venture, and collectively, we are eager to support you. Free Live Porn Chat With Hot Women in VibraGame Please explore with us the idea that this network can generate energy that will nourish and empower us all. I hold the vision of women at heart offering you sanctuary, inspiration, revelation, celebration and transformation!
Patrice (and friends!)
brazilian girls artwork was a generous gift from Anne-Marie Jobin. |
Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved - brazilian girls 181 Kulawy Drive North, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6L 6T9, Phone 780-465-2888 Mountain (GMT-7) Email: Patrice Robsoon |